
Songwriting process, techniques, inspirations, and experiences.

100 songs in 100 days Songwriting Challenge – A Reflection

UPDATE 11th April 2021: since my Soundcloud Pro Account membership lapsed, many of the track were unavailable. I have now amended this by adding them to my own website’s playlist function. Enjoy! ———- Yesterday at around 7:30pm, I wrote my 100th consecutive song in 100 days, successfully completing a songwriting challenge that I commenced on the 9th of May, 2016. […]

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100 Songs in 100 Days Challenge

In my time spent exploring the internet, researching songwriters and reading independent musician blogs, I have occasionally come across something known as the 100 songs in 100 days Challenge. With this floating somewhere in the back of my mind, I sat down on Monday with my guitar, coffee and iPad. I had just finished the successful run of A Man Walks Into

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